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ASG: Collars presentation

A demonstration of A Way We Sew shirt collars.

ASG Annual National Conference

Service Description

A Way We Sew focuses fun, functional methods to improve your sewing. In this class you'll learn A Way We Sew collars with knife-sharp, bulk-free, sturdy and matching collar points. Apply our methods to any collar type or shape, and adapt any collar pattern to our methods. All our online classes include: - Links to the taped live session, watch on your own time, up to one month after the session aired. - Pre-recorded video tutorials demonstrating each step (sent as a link to our online video showcase). - Step-by-step, professionally illustrated instructions (sent as a pdf to your email inbox). - Multiple collar and collar band patterns you can adapt to your size. And more! A Way We Sew methods are a little different. We like to "sew rogue", ditch the pattern, sew first, cut latter, and have fun while learning new techniques you can apply to any sewing project.

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